Friday, October 19, 2018

Mixed Media MANIA : WINNERS!


Ranger Prize Pack: Amy Letwinsky
Blitsy $50 Gift Card: Lisa Geisler
Marabu $50 Prize Pack: Midnight Crafter16
DecoArt Mixed Media Prize Pack:  Anastasia’s Hole in the Holler Creations
Thermoweb $25 Gift Card: Tara Roberts 
Joggles $25 Gift Card: Sheryl Lamoureux
Shawn Petite 2 Stencils x 10 Winners: Connie Saunders, Creative Wings, Kathy Jones – Dust Bunny Trail, Amyzing ArtStuff Studio, Karen Atkinson, Crafty 62512, DeEtta Wert, Christine Schiaffo, Lynne Becker, Doris Murguia
7 Dots Studio $35 Prize Pack: Stephanie Chamuras
Finnabair Prize Pack: Michelle Denice
Amazing Casting Products Molding Putty & Casting Resin: Patricia Compton
Gelli Arts $50 Gift Certificate: Tom Koncinsky
Mixed Up Magazine Subscription: Wendy Baysa
AALL  & Create $35 Prize Pack x 2 winners: Cindy McCann, Renee Troy
Read Lead PaperWorks Prize Pack {2 Stencils/3 Stamps} x 3 winners: Nikki Goldsby, TheQueenbee303, Michelle Fowler
Art Foamies 1 Grand Prize winner $100 Gift Card: Belinda Anderson
Art Foamies 5 $30 Gift Card Winners: Made_By_Jannike, Sue E Parra, berlykim37, Tautchia Coleman
Amy Tangerine Signed “Craft a Life You Love” Book: Rachel Douglas
Brush Magazine Digital Copy: Jazzy JEC, Susan Schultheis, Mieke Middelhuis, Ashleigh Andrew, Jane Cameron
iStencils $25 gift card x 4 winners: TheToolgirl42, Hydrangea1971, Leah Tees, LauraMixedMedia
Funkie Junkie Boutique $25 Gift Card: Belinda Anderson
UmWowStudio Digital Download Winners: Lynn Davis, Sally Van Nuys, Heather Myar, Karen Kunz, Rochelle Mcgriff, Linda Fewster, Danielle Pountain, rhodynne, Staci Wilson, Wendy Wells, Susan Schultheis, Monica Eggleton, Jenn Dubell, Pamela Kaliher, Nancy Lopez, HolyLise, Samantha Jarrad, Annabelle Avila, Megan Quarrell, Kelley Freeman, Laurie Barnes, LauraMixedMedia, Piia Hiltunen
Liva LasVegaStamps Grab Bag Winners: Catherine Murray, Amanda Davis, Joyce Gandy, Danielle Pountain, Debora Pettit, Mieke Middeluis, Earthly Joys, Cathy Judd, Katerina Mylona, Peganded1, Marie L’HeureuxMarie, Trisha-Anne Hoare, Cathy Judd, Nuneka, Cheryl7476, Leslie Yudman, Celine Barberio, Abigail Thomas, Heather Robbins, Connie Hoffman, Monica Garcia, Tricia Moore, Celise McLaughlin

Alexa's : theToolGirl42 Carisa's : Toni Burks - Little Black Dress DeeDee's : Juli Loves Paper Jamie's : Michelle Logan AUS Jeanine's : Velisse Sierra From Puerto Rico Keren's : Min Parkhurst-- USA Sam's : Theresa vaughn - USA Lynne's : Sparksgirl Mixed Media Nicole A's : Workshop winner: Tracey Main, New Zealand, Art print winner: Bridget Umphryes, Michigan USA Nicole W's : Lynn Davis USA - lawinchen67 (Andrea) Germany
Ophelia's : Amy Letwinsky USA, Rita Harker UK Shawn's : Kim Barrera Susan's : US -- Cheryl7476 / INT'L -- Pamela Henry (Ireland) Susana's : Sarah G Tina's : Nellys Artistic Creations US Tusia's : Pamela Henry - Ireland

Please : Sponsored winners contact Carisa or myself (deedee430 @ gmail . com)! individual prize winners contact your individual artists. CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!

Must be claimed by November 2nd 2018